our Team

The leadership team plays a crucial role
in guiding and towards success

Dr Miguel Hernandez-Silveira

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Founder

Miguel Hernandez-Silveira (IEEE, PhD, BEng, MIET), a medtech pioneer born in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1970, graduated in computer science and electronics engineering from Universidad Fermin Toro in 1996. He advanced biomedical engineering at UNET as a lecturer and researcher, co-founding its Biomedical Engineering Research Group. Earning his PhD from the University of Surrey, UK, he innovated in electrode technology for neuromuscular rehabilitation. At Sensium Healthcare Ltd, he led the development of advanced algorithms for the groundbreaking Sensium® microchips. Previously, he spearheads biomedical technologies at Toumaz Group and is a visiting researcher at Imperial College London, engaged in major research projects. As Director of Research at Atlantic Therapeutics UK where he pioneered electrical stimulation treatments for urinary incontinence. Additionally, as founder and CEO of MF Technology Ltd UK, he extensive contributions include publications on low-power wireless healthcare systems, sensors, electrodes, and smart algorithms for data interpretation. He is also an industry PhD supervisor at the Surgical Robot Vision group at UCL. Miguel enjoys regular tennis matches and cherishes time spent with his dogs.

Dr Su Shin Ang (Ed)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Su-Shin Ang (PhD, BEng, MIET) earned his PhD from Imperial College London in electrical and electronics engineering. A member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, he  is an enthusiastic advocate of medtech innovation. He spent several years in this industry, working in companies across the UK and Singapore. This includes Qritive – a Pathology diagnostics company, Sensium – a healthcare company that pioneered the development of disposable digital patches for patients in the general ward, and Bodytrak – a ear based body worn sensor that is used in the Health and Safety sector. Academically, apart from being a published researcher and a book editor, Dr. Ang participated in research in the capacity of a visting researcher at both Imperial College London as well as National University of Singapore.

Dr Carlos Alberto Ramirez

Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)

Carlos Alberto Ramirez (PhD, BEng), is the founder of MF Tech USA. He is a Systems Engineer with a PhD in Machine Learning (1996) from the University of Surrey, UK. In 1997 he became an Assistant Professor at the Universidad del Tachira (UNET), a nationally accredited University in Venezuela, for 8 years were he was the Head of the Industrial Research Division, and Interim Dean of Research. He was also the Founder and Director of the Bioengineering Research Group were numerous government grants were obtained for the development of smart heart monitoring systems. During his post as academic staff, he was awarded the Presidential Medal for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Venezuela. Since 2004 his main role has been the development of machine learning algorithms for unsupervised multidimensional clustering of white blood cell physical measurements. During this time, Carlos has been awarded 13 patents on technologies related to this area. He has also been awarded 4 times the Excellence in Innovation Award for Beckman Coulter Diagnostics. Since 2017, he became the founder of DANASO, LL. Carlos is a devoted family man with a passion for programming.

Shamim Ahmed

Lead AI Researcher

Shamim Ahmed (PhD(c), MEng, MIET) leads the AI research team at Medical Frontier Technology and is concurrently pursuing a PhD at UCL’s Surgical Robot Vision Group. With over five years at the forefront of AI research, he is a respected member of the IET. His research focuses on autonomous robotic surgery using the Da Vinci system, under the supervision of Dr. Evangelos Mazomenos and Dr. Miguel Hernandez Silveira. An alumnus of Imperial College, he graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with expertise spanning from advanced machine learning, biomedical instrumentation, robotics, brain-computer interface technology to CMOS chip design. His undergraduate research collaboration with Medical Frontier Technology led to the development of innovative technology capable of non-invasively measuring continuous blood pressure with over 90% accuracy in hypertensive patients, utilising state-of-the-art AI techniques. A devoted reader of classical Arabic literature, he is also an active sportsman, participating in various football and cycling competitions.

Lucas Baldasso

Lead Software Engineer

Lucas Baldasso, now a Lead Software Engineer, carries an impressive track record with several years of robust experience in spearheading the development, delivery, and maintenance of cutting-edge software applications. His scholarly contributions to the field of education technology are marked by authorship of influential academic essays, highlighting his depth of knowledge and commitment to advancing learning through technology. As a charismatic communicator and leader, Lucas is acclaimed for his ability to foster team collaboration and drive projects from conception to final release with finesse. His leadership has been a cornerstone in the successful rollout of multiple key projects, earning him recognition as a driving force in software engineering and a visionary in integrating technology with user-centric solutions. Lucas is an enthusiastic chess and handball player.

Daniela Gal

Clinical Lead and Product Owner

Daniela Gal, a Clinical Lead and Product Owner, brings over a decade of experience in the medical technology field to her role. Born, bred and based in Romania, she graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Nursing Science from Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov in 2009. Daniela has significantly advanced the integration of AI in healthcare, especially in surgical diagnostics. Her extensive clinical experience, combined with a keen understanding of product development, enables her to spearhead innovations that substantially improve patient care. Daniela’s leadership is crucial in transitioning products from concept to market, ensuring they meet the stringent demands of contemporary medicine. Her efforts contribute significantly to Romania’s dynamic medtech scene, enhancing both clinical standards and patient outcomes. Daniela is also an avid coffee enthusiast and snowboarder.

Vitor Alvez​

Lead Solution Architect

Vitor Alves, hailing from São Paulo, Brazil, is a Computer Scientist and an emerging talent in software development. With a deep-seated zeal for harnessing technology to enhance everyday experiences, he has rapidly become a proficient developer. Over the past year, Vitor has diversified his portfolio, crafting everything from intricate online gaming infrastructures to advanced web and mobile applications. His foray into both the retail and healthcare industries speaks volumes of his versatility and commitment to creating tech solutions that resonate with end-users. Renowned for his innovative approach and user-centric designs, each of Vitor’s projects emerges as a testament to his potential to revolutionize the digital landscape. Vitor brings a unique blend of creativity and technical acumen to the table, consistently pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in creating seamless and impactful user experiences. His forward-thinking mindset and keen pursuit of excellence position him as a rising figure in the software industry, poised to contribute to its transformative trends. Vitor is an enthusiastic reader and avid fan of Japanese manga.

Values that Lead Us

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Innovation in Care

Harnessing the latest in medtech to elevate patient care and clinical workflows

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Integrity in Research

Committing to ethical standards and transparency in every healthcare solution we create

Expertise in Action
Expertise in Action

Decades of collective experience driving our pursuit of excellence in medical technology

Commitment to Progress
Commitment to Progress

Dedicated to advancing the healthcare industry through continuous innovation and leadership

Leadership Team

Unveiling Medical Innovation to You

Discover cutting-edge solutions transforming healthcare delivery and patient outcomes